Matching Wines and Side Dishes

Stone crab claws can always be served alone but why stop there? Why not choose a great bottle of wine and a side dish to complete your meal? Customers are always asking me what would be a good wine and side dish to go along with their stone crab claws so I’ve decided to list a few options below that will increase your dining experience.

A good bottle of wine matches exquisitely with fresh stone crab claws, but there are also some side dishes that go well with crabs and will improve your dining experience. Try serving up some garlic roasted potatoes, either served with a light amount of sour cream on top,or served alone. You won’t be sorry you did! You might also want to try a small side of cherry
tomato salad with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Another suggestion is roasted or grilled asparagus, which you’ll find as a perfect pairing. Enjoy your meal!